丹佛十博官方网址协会在丹佛举办了数十场十博官方网址和十博官方网址国家的文化活动. We host French Happy Hour every last Thursday of each month, with the exception of June, 7月, 10月, and December (due to other 活动/假期)一个十博吧官网读书俱乐部以及一个欧洲读书俱乐部和品酒会! Let's not forget the Annual Gala, Bastille Day celebrations and the Fête de la Musique! 

5 à 7 Happy Hour November 2023

5 à 7 Happy Hour November 2023


Time: 5-7 pm, Thursday, November 30, 2023 

地点: 571 Galapago St, Denver, CO 80204 

Non-Members: $10

Maria Maria Sings Edith Piaf

Maria Maria Sings Edith Piaf



Swallow Hill Music - Daniels Hall 71 E. Yale Avenue Denver, CO 80210

Saturday, November 11, 2023 

Doors open at 7 pm. 

Concert begins at 8 pm. 

Buy tickets here: 

http://www.哪些.com/e/maria-maria-sings-edith-piaf-tickets-739697032737?utm_experiment=test_share_listing&等于off = ebdsshios [...]

Theater Workshop

Theater Workshop

 这个讲习班是为任何想提高十博官方网址水平的人准备的, 喜欢戏剧, and wants to have some fun! 十博官方网址初学者到“曾经说得很流利”的人都可以参加。, 参与者将通过演讲了解彼此,并获得自信 games and improv. The first of future workshops, 专注的参与者可能有机会计划和准备来自十博官方网址世界的短篇作品.

关于 the Teacher: Ronan moved to Colorado From Paris in 2015. He has over 20 years of experience in theater as an actor, director, and teacher. 最近,他在麦岭剧团(Wheat Ridge Theater Company)的《十博吧官网》中扮演Cyrano. 拉斐特剧团《十博吧官网》中的表演.

地点: 571 Galapago St, Denver, CO 80204 


November Wine Tasting

November Wine Tasting

Intimidated by Burgundian wine? Ne sommes-nous pas tous ! Burgundy produces the most expensive, unique and sought-after pinot noir and chardonnay in the world.  由于复杂的分类系统、历史和风土条件的变化, the learning curve is steep. N'ayez pas peur,我们将在下次联盟中分解复杂性并从中获得乐趣 Française wine 品尝.  Certified sommelier, 葛丽塔Arendsen, 将为您品尝来自勃艮第(夏布利)四个分区的六款葡萄酒, Cote d’or, Côte Maconnais and Côte Chalonnaise).  Come find out what all the fuss is about on November 9th at 6:30 pm at the Galapago location. Space is limited, reserve 你r spot Tout de suite!

地点: 571 Galapago St Denver, CO 80204

AFD Gala 2023: La Belle Époque

AFD Gala 2023: La Belle Époque

After a 4 year hiatus, 丹佛十博官方网址联盟很自豪地宣布我们又回来了我们的年度筹款晚会, 特色 the theme 'La Belle Époque'. 我们将很荣幸邀请您参加2023年十博吧官网十博官方网址联盟年度晚会, with the featured theme of ‘La Belle Époque’, on the night of Saturday, 10月 14th. La Belle Époque literally translates to the beautiful era. Paris’ Belle Époque lasted from 1871 to 1914. During this time, Parisian culture saw several important developments in impressionism, 立体主义, 并将绘画以及平面设计师版画革命为一种精美的艺术形式. 来加入我们吧 as we celebrate this transformational period of time! The dresscode is 鸡尾酒礼服no need to dress 穿着戏服 根据 切题! 

现在票已经出来了,有几种不同的票选择,包括 贵宾

If 你 or an organization 你 know are interested in sponsoring this event or 捐赠 to the silent auction, 请电子邮件 丽贝卡在

We appreciate the support of our growing community! 

Go to our AFD Gala Page to sign up! Registration Closes 10月 7th! [...]

September Wine Tasting

September Wine Tasting

许多人说Rhône谷的葡萄酒是他们最喜欢的十博吧官网葡萄酒, and if 你 are one of them, we have the 品尝 for 你!  认证侍酒师葛丽塔Arendsen将带领我们完成这个葡萄酒教育系列的第三节课,重点是 the Northern and Southern Rhône.  本课程将以北部的西拉和维奥尼的品种葡萄酒Rhône和混合葡萄酒为特色 from the Southern Rhône. You will learn the history of the region, 关于允许使用的葡萄品种和酿酒技术的细节, 并有机会品尝来自小生产商的优质天然葡萄酒.  Space is limited, get 你r tickets soon! 桑特!

Non-members: $50

5 à 7 August 2023

5 à 7 August 2023

来加入我们吧 for French conversation and a drink! 这是在劳动节周末之前庆祝夏季结束的最佳时间! 

地点: 571 Galapago St Denver, CO 80204

Time: 5 pm to 7 pm 

Non-members: $10[...]

Denver Sister Cities Wine Tasting

Denver Sister Cities Wine Tasting


加入我们,参加由csamciile Guillou领导的独特的十博吧官网和美国葡萄酒品酒会, 她是巴黎一家米其林三星餐厅的专业侍酒师,八年前曾到丹佛交换过学生. Explore the flavors and aromas of six different wines, 包括来自Rhône谷和纳帕谷的白蔷薇酒和红葡萄酒. 在活动期间,csamciile将提供一个关于葡萄酒的简短介绍 品尝, including the different phases of the process, 并展示葡萄酒产地的幻灯片. The event will include three rounds of wine 品尝, 在此期间,csamciile将为您斟酒,并介绍葡萄酒的特点. Don't miss out on 这是一个独一无二的机会,在享受美酒和姐妹城市友谊的同时,扩大你的葡萄酒知识! $45 for members of 十博官方网址联盟和丹佛姐妹城市国际*,非会员50美元.

*请注意:如果您是丹佛姐妹城市会员,而不是十博官方网址十博官方网址联盟会员, please call our office to register with the discount: +1 (720)-568-9976. 

地点: 571 Galapago St, Denver, CO 80204

时间:6点半- 8:00 pm[...]

Bastille Day 2023

Bastille Day 2023

Come help us celebrate le 14 juillet ! Bring food to share and something to drink! The Alliance will be providing grilled meats for the barbecue along with some beer and wine. Please RSVP so we know how many people to plan for! 

We are looking forward to seeing 你 this Saturday! 

地点: 571 Galapago, Denver, CO 80204 

Admittance: FREE with RSVP[...]


French Night with the Colorado Rapids Soccer Team

French Night with the Colorado Rapids Soccer Team

朋友, 家庭, 和玩家被邀请参加十博官方网址之夜,在那里他们将获得特别优惠的门票价格 Rapids home match on March 18th . 任何购买的人都将获得独家的赛后十博官方网址采访凯文·卡布拉尔的机会,门票有限,先到先得. 来为激流队加油,参加这个有趣的十博吧官网之夜 体育场! 

地点:Dick's sports Goods Park, 6000 Victory Way, Commerce City, CO 80022,晚上7:30 

Non-members: $30 [...]

French Night with the Rapids

French Night with the Rapids


Annual General Meeting - 2022 @ ISD

Annual General Meeting - 2022 @ ISD


Meditation in French

Meditation in French

加入我们每月与桑迪一起用十博官方网址进行的冥想.  In September, the theme is « Regarder profondément les quatre aliments de ma consommation quotidienne ».[...]



Learn about Haiti, enjoy some Haitian food, while listening to a presentation by Womenful声音, a mentorship program for 你ng 海地女孩.  [...]

Bastille Day Festivities

Bastille Day Festivities

今年, 与落基山法裔美国人商会合作, and Denver Sisters Cities Brest, 我们是 hosting a four-day event at Larimer Square.
这 event is FREE, and everyone is welcome..[...]

Bastille Day Festivities

Bastille Day Festivities

今年, 与落基山法裔美国人商会合作, and Denver Sisters Cities Brest, 我们是 hosting a four-day event at Larimer Square.
这 event is FREE, and everyone is welcome..[...]

Fête de la Musique - 博尔德的歌剧

Fête de la Musique - 博尔德的歌剧

购买贵宾票参加我们的私人活动 博尔德的歌剧's show "Le French Affair".  这 一小时的活动将在酒馆Vendôme的露天咖啡座举行, in Larimer Square, from 4:00-5:00pm.  The event is limited to a maximum of 50 guests.


Meditation Session in French

Meditation Session in French

加入我们每月与桑迪一起用十博官方网址进行的冥想.  In May, the theme is « Restaurer la beauté en moi-même (Restore the beauty in myself) ».[...]



首先我想感谢你教了我这么多十博官方网址. 你是一位伟大的老师,你帮助我学到了很多新东西 的事情. I'd also like to apologize for missing a lot of lessons, although I'm sure that I would've rather gone to them. Again, 你 are the 你是我遇到过的最好的老师,和你说再见我很难过.


Stephen G.

Alliance Française de Denver created a wonderful virtual environment where I spent my Summer vacation; visiting the winemaking area of Bouzy; celebrating Bastille Day; learning how to cook with flowers; touring historic châteaux and beautiful villages; all in the safety and comfort of my home.

A real treat for any Francophone person; especially having a daily place for French chat to try out and maintain colloquial skills.

Stephen G.


Anne is fantastic! 材料是快节奏的,让这只“老狗”学习新把戏,但我们不能再慢了. It has been very helpful to prepare me for my trip to France.



一个学习和练习十博官方网址的好地方,同时熟悉十博吧官网文化和有趣的人. I definitely recommend AFD and their events. Je parle français! 等你们?



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